Why is the Shire asking about Community Health and Well being?

    The  Shire of East Pilbara has a role in providing a happy, healthy and connected community in which we live, work and play.

    We would like to know your perspective on personal health and wellbeing and your ideas on how we can help build a healthy and happy communitytogether.

    This information will be used to finalise Shire of East Pilbara Public Health Plan.

    What is a Public Health Plan?

    A Public Health Plan is a Shire’s requirement of the WA Public Health Act 2016 and will operate as an informing strategy to the East Pilbara Strategic Community Plan.    

    The Plan establishes an integrated health and wellbeing planning process that fits into the Shire’s corporate planning framework under the Local Government Act 1995This framework sets out the statutory responsibilities of local government in Western Australia to plan for the future and understand the aspirations of residents. 

    The Plan aligns with the objectives identified within the State Public Health Plan for Western Australia being empowering and enabling people to live healthy lives, providing health protection for the community, and improving Aboriginal health and wellbeing. 

    A public health plan is a statutory requirement of local government, and is essentially a:

    1. Health Profile

    • Background evidence which provides an analysis of the health status and health determinants of the population.
    • Provides an overview of the public health needs and risks of the community.

    2. Strategic Plan

    • Objectives and policy priorities to achieving positive public health outcomes.
    • Identifies actions in promotion, improvement and protection of public health.

    What is the State Public Health Plan?

    The Public Health Act 2016 states that Local Public Health Plans must be consistent with the State Public Health Plan, where appropriate.  The State Public Health Plan summarises the key public health objectives and policy priorities for WA which are - 

    • Empowering and enabling people to live healthy lives;  
    • Providing health protection for the community and; 
    • Improving Aboriginal health and wellbeing. 

    A range of strategies and actions were developed to underpin these focus areas and demonstrate how the Shire plans to create a physical, social and cultural environment that supports and promotes health and safety for the whole community.  

    In addition, the Shire is in the process of reviewing its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which will further strengthen the Shire’s approach to ensure that services and facilities meet the cultural needs of our community and are delivered in a culturally sensitive and inclusive manner.  

    How do I have my say:

    Online: see form below

    You can also write to us via email or post with your thoughts. 

    By Email: [email protected] 

    By Post: PMB 22, Newman WA 6753, Australia 

    PO Box 4, Marble Bar WA 6760, Australia

    Feedback closes on 5 February 2025. 

    How is my privacy protected when I give feedback?

    Collection and use of personal information is undertaken in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. This includes any request for feedback, which therefore doesn’t require you to disclose your identity unless you want to. You may like to review our Privacy Statement.

    What happens to my feedback?

    All feedback into the Plan is documented. A public report will outline the community engagement activities and the participation, as well as the results of the survey. Once completed a report will go to Council. 

    How can we be updated on the progress of the Public Health Plan?

    Developing the Plan takes many months, and we’ll keep you informed along the way. Register your interest and we’ll send you updates throughout the development of the Strategy. You’ll also find information on Your Say East Pilbara, our new community engagement portal. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook.

    Who do we contact if we have any questions or need help?

    If you have any questions email admin@eastpilbara.wa.gov.au or call (08) 9175 8000.