Activation & Events Strategy

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Creating vibrant central hubs as well as hosting events play an important role in ensuring everyone can participate in a wide range of arts, cultural, sporting, recreational and social opportunities. This contributes to making our towns more appealing and welcoming places to live, work and visit.

Activation and events connect our communities and illuminate our rich tapestry of places, cultures, and talents. They showcase the beauty of our natural environment and attractions, and help to highlight our towns as visitor destinations.

The Shire plays a dual role in organising and producing activations and events, as well as sponsoring and supporting them. Activations and events can be led by community groups and clubs, resident groups, town team movements or even businesses, so we’d like to hear your ideas and understand what’s important to you.

What are we doing?

The Shire is developing an Activation and Events Strategy that will outline how we connect and invigorate central spaces, local community hubs and public facilities over three years. It will also help to attract significant and diverse events, and establish an annual calendar that encourages increased tourism and spending to local businesses.

The Strategy will celebrate the special characteristics of Newman, Marble Bar and Nullagine, animate key local areas, and create a sense of belonging and pride in the community. Importantly, it will also celebrate diversity, enhance access, encourage inclusion, and improve collaboration between the Shire and the community.

What is the benefit to you?

  • Ignite your passion for events, fun, colour, creativity and town progress
  • Join resident and community groups that can lead local activities
  • Tell us what big events you’d like and how we can make events better
  • Give us ideas on how we can brighten up and activate central areas and walkways
  • Share your thoughts on how we can encourage more visitors

How can you get involved?

  • We’ll be talking with anyone interested in events and making our towns more appealing
  • Talk to us individually as a Key Stakeholder in our Interview series: Stakeholder Calendar link
  • Provide feedback at our Community Information Pop-Up: Monday 13 May - 3:30pm to 5:30pm - Newman Boulevard Shopping Centre (outside Woolworths)
  • Complete the Community Survey before on Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Creating vibrant central hubs as well as hosting events play an important role in ensuring everyone can participate in a wide range of arts, cultural, sporting, recreational and social opportunities. This contributes to making our towns more appealing and welcoming places to live, work and visit.

Activation and events connect our communities and illuminate our rich tapestry of places, cultures, and talents. They showcase the beauty of our natural environment and attractions, and help to highlight our towns as visitor destinations.

The Shire plays a dual role in organising and producing activations and events, as well as sponsoring and supporting them. Activations and events can be led by community groups and clubs, resident groups, town team movements or even businesses, so we’d like to hear your ideas and understand what’s important to you.

What are we doing?

The Shire is developing an Activation and Events Strategy that will outline how we connect and invigorate central spaces, local community hubs and public facilities over three years. It will also help to attract significant and diverse events, and establish an annual calendar that encourages increased tourism and spending to local businesses.

The Strategy will celebrate the special characteristics of Newman, Marble Bar and Nullagine, animate key local areas, and create a sense of belonging and pride in the community. Importantly, it will also celebrate diversity, enhance access, encourage inclusion, and improve collaboration between the Shire and the community.

What is the benefit to you?

  • Ignite your passion for events, fun, colour, creativity and town progress
  • Join resident and community groups that can lead local activities
  • Tell us what big events you’d like and how we can make events better
  • Give us ideas on how we can brighten up and activate central areas and walkways
  • Share your thoughts on how we can encourage more visitors

How can you get involved?

  • We’ll be talking with anyone interested in events and making our towns more appealing
  • Talk to us individually as a Key Stakeholder in our Interview series: Stakeholder Calendar link
  • Provide feedback at our Community Information Pop-Up: Monday 13 May - 3:30pm to 5:30pm - Newman Boulevard Shopping Centre (outside Woolworths)
  • Complete the Community Survey before on Wednesday, 19 June 2024
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Shire is developing an Activation and Events Strategy and needs your input! Events and festivals enhance our lifestyles, boost tourism, create volunteering opportunities, while supporting the local economy and building community connections.

    To create, support and grow the events in our community we would like to gain your perspective and ideas.

    The Survey will close on Wednesday,19 June 2024

    The survey should take less than 10 minutes and we appreciate your time. If you need any help with the survey, please call (08) 9175 8000.

    Share Activation & Events Strategy - Community Survey on Facebook Share Activation & Events Strategy - Community Survey on Twitter Share Activation & Events Strategy - Community Survey on Linkedin Email Activation & Events Strategy - Community Survey link
  • Thank you for your interest in the Shire’s Activation and Events Strategy. It aims to outline how the Shire will connect and invigorate central spaces, local community hubs and public facilities in Newman, Marble Bar and Nullagine over the next three years. 

    Complete this form to be notified of engagement activities and progress on the Strategy. If you need help completing the form, email [email protected] or call (08) 9175 8000.

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 20 Jun 2024, 01:59 AM