What’s the purpose of an Activation and Events Strategy?

    To enhance the liveability factors, social connection and well-being of the community, ensuring our towns are welcoming, vibrant, healthy and safe for all. 

    It introduces a place-based approach and considers the distinctive circumstances and aspirations of our unique towns. It focuses on creating attractive public spaces and ensures events are accessible and inclusive while supporting local groups to develop thriving local activities.

    The Strategy also supports a vision for the Shire that encourages innovation and attracts new opportunities, increases economic growth and enhances visitation.

    Why does the Shire need an Activation and Events Strategy?

    The draft Strategy will guide how the Shire will deliver on community priorities for events and activities that will bring people together in shared experiences and celebrations, and we need your input.

    It will encourage activities and events organised and produced by the Shire or the community, as well as attracting new opportunities from outside the area. This includes arts, culture and creative expression, sport and recreation, health, history and education and more.

    It aims to ensure the Shire’s events calendar is diverse so there’s something for everyone across the seasons and it supports the needs of our neighbourhoods.

    The draft Strategy will provide the strategic framework over three years, ensuring decisions and future directions are informed and endorsed.

    What do you mean by ‘Activation’?

    A place needs people to be active or activated. Place activation stems from placemaking, which is a collaborative approach to improving a neighbourhood, town or local area. It’s reimagining and reinventing public spaces at the heart of every community in creative, fun, colourful and innovative ways that enhance the liveability, community connection and profile of the place. 

    The community is important in placemaking as activations and events are often led by community groups and clubs, resident groups, town team movements or even businesses.

    What about the towns of Marble Bar and Nullagine?

    Yes, the Strategy will include Marble Bar and Nullagine. Each town will be visited and opportunities will be provided to talk about the Strategy and share feedback on what’s important for these communities.

    How can I get involved?

    We encourage everyone to get involved by sharing your ideas and providing feedback. You can:

    • Talk to us individually as a Key Stakeholder in our Interview series Stakeholder Calendar link
    • Provide feedback at our Community Information Pop-Up: Monday 13 May - 3:30pm to 5:30pm - Newman Boulevard Shopping Centre (outside Woolworths) 
    • Complete the Community Survey

    How is my privacy protected when I give feedback?

    Collection and use of personal information is undertaken in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. This includes any request for feedback, which therefore doesn’t require you to disclose your identity unless you want to. You may like to review our Privacy Statement.

    What happens to my feedback?

    All feedback into the Strategy is documented. A public report will outline the community engagement activities and the participation, as well as the results of the survey.

    How can we be updated on the progress of the Strategy?

    Developing the Strategy takes many months, and we’ll keep you informed along the way. Register your interest and we’ll send you updates throughout the development of the Strategy. You’ll also find information on Your Say East Pilbara, our new community engagement portal. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook.

    Who do we contact if we have any questions or need help?

    If you have any questions email [email protected] or call (08) 9175 8000.